I won't reveal who those editors and publishers are because I like them personally and I enjoy a good relationship with them. I believe that they are good people who are trying to do their best to lead writers into "full time" status.
We all want that. We all want to find our writings in the front pages of a magazine or on the best seller list. But I'm wondering if that middle road thinking hasn't driven part of the confusion in America today. More and more we are being polarized on opinions of religion and politics. That polarization might not have happened during other times in history because it would have been shot down by a majority that held tightly to conservative beliefs.
Once we began to entertain the idea that a more centralist way was "perferred", that centralist view began to grow until now it's suffocating freedoms and beliefs.
It's not easy taking a stand. For the last year I've felt that "something" (I call it Satan) didn't like what I was doing and was fighting to stop all writing efforts. I've called on friends to pray and collegues to stand with me as I fought to write what I believed was true.
Talking about a "spiritual" being that might be attacking me to keep me from writing was not popular. Yet, I felt it. I knew it with all my heart and I have spent hours in prayer asking for guidance and strength. I'm now asking for you to stand with me in prayer - not only for my writing, but for all writers of the truth.
I think it comes down to this scripture in Revelations 3:15-16 (NIV)
"I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit you out of my mouth."
I know that it's scary to write what you believe in. I know what it's like to be attacked. But....I also know that I can't take the easy road. I have to write what God has called me to write. Before you decide to take the centralist view, think about what the Biblical writers went through in order to proclaim the truth of Jesus and of God. Think about all the writers down through the ages that have continued to distribute the truth no matter what the consequences. Think about standing before your heavenly father and seeing him smile as he says, "Well done, thy good and faithful servant!"
Don't be afraid. God will be with you. Trust Him and write His Words.
God has called you to write,
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