The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug. **Mark Twain

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Finally !!!

My new book has been completed, edited and is now with the typeset proof reader. I've redesigned my website and eliminated all but three blogs. Once again I'm ready to hit the floor running. (check it out

I think one of the hardest requirements for a writer is that it must be a way of life. It's difficult to schedule your time and determine what will be a part of your life and what won't.

I'm not suggesting that it's too big of a job - absolutely not, but it does take planning. And I think for many new writers that planning stage is the hardest. For example, a new writer must....

  • Teach family and friends to understand that time in the office or quiet time looking at the clouds is actually work time and should not be interrupted.

  • Let go of treasured activities in order to make time for the writing process. No one can do it all and if your life was full before you decided to write - something has to go.

  • We want that book done NOW. We have to learn that it's a process and we simply can't lock ourselves in a room until it's done.

  • We must read, research, read, research....with all that reading and research when do we stop to actually write?

  • We see stories in our heads 24/7. We must carry paper with us all the time just in case those words begin to flow. How discreet can we be when the words are flowing in the middle of a theme park?

  • We are CEO's as well as writers. We must be involved in promoting, scheduling, taxes, finances, selling, speaking, web design, blogging - in other words we are a one man/woman band. That's hard!

So, what are you saying Debbie? I'm not good at multi-tasking, should I quit?

Heavens NO! I'm an old person and I'm not good at multi-tasking either. Quitting will not solve that issue - planning and practicing will.

I've gone through a lot of plans. Still searching to find the most perfect one. Along the way, I've discovered some answers that have made my writing time more productive. I'm still working on other issues.

This week I'm working on "accepting". I'm taking a lot of deep breaths and telling myself that it's okay to let some writing wait one more day. I'm not on a deadline and until I am, I'll just keep working a little each day until it's done. (How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.)

In his book Writing for the Soul Jerry Jenkins states, "Get serious about your career by declaring yourself a writer. Do it now, and don't look back......Your results will mirror your commitment. Put in the necessary time and do the rewrites to make your own success inevitable. Make your own breaks. That's what separates hobbyists from real authors. Study, do the research, develop a thick skin, work hard, learn to take editing, and learn to edit yourself. Have you arrived yet? Neither have I."

Cool huh? Jerry is still practicing just like we are.

God loves you and has called you to write



Karen said...

Thanks, Debbie, found this most encouraging. Have a great week!

Debbie Jansen said...

You are so welcome Karen. Send me an e-mail. I would love to talk with you.